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Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Happy Our Anniversary

Just For You My Husband :-
 I expected you to hold my hand for the night
Instead, you've held my heart for a lifetime

I expected to be "your girl" for a while
Instead, you asked me to be your wife
I expected to be happy with you
But I have been more than happy -
So much more

You have held me with arms that
are strong enough to be gentle
You have loved me with more than
just words
You have treated me like an equal
while still treating me like a queen
You have given me more than I expected
More than I hoped or asked for -
So much more

I can't express all that you have been
and are to me
You are my best friend, my husband
my lover and my man
You are all that and more

I'm thankful for all we've shared
And I look forward to more -
So much more

~ Donna Earnhardt ~