Friday, 6 April 2012

What TeaCher Gave To Me For This Easter

Semalam merupakan hari akhir sesi persekolahan sebelum bermulanya cuti panjang selama 2 minggu. Semalam juga merupakan hari akhir aku ke kelas bahasa inggeris. Ini bermakna kelas inggeris yang aku hadiri pun akan turut bercuti seiring dengan cuti persekolahan juga. Tapi kali ini cutinya bersekali dengan hari penting yang disambut oleh kaum yang menganut agama Kristian di atas muka bumi ini. Cuti hari Easter selama 4 hari bermula dari jumaat hingga isnin.

Jika dahulu, aku tidak pernah mengambil tahu apa itu 'Hari Easter'. Aku tidak pernah tahu yang ia ada kaitan dengan hari dalam kalendar di Malaysia yang di sebut istilahnya sebagai 'Good Friday'. Apa yang aku tahu, sememangnya hari jumaat adalah hari yang merupakan penghulu segala hari, hari kebesaran umat Islam seluruh dunia, hari nabi Adam di ciptakan, diturunkan ke muka bumi, diwafatkan, hari kiamat dan banyak lagi peristiwa yang berlaku pada hari jumaat ini. 

Semasa di kelas, adalah juga teacher menerangkan tentang hari Easter ni. Hari yanng berkaitan dengan Jesus di bunuh atau dengan istilah yang di guna pakai iaitu di salibkan pada kayu yang bersilang. Jesus di salibkan dan mati pada hari jumaat. Agaknya itulah yang di sebut sebagai good friday. Biasanya Easter ini disambut pada hari ahad pertama semasa bulan penuh selepas masuknya musim bunga. Ini kerana menurut kepercayaan mereka, musim bunga merupakan petunjuk kepada kehidupan yang baru bermula selepas habis musim sejuk yang dingin dan beku. Menurut kepercayaan mereka juga Jesus dihidupkan semula pada hari ahad selepas tiga hari mati di tiang salib.

Tapi aku tak faham, mungkin ia disambut mengikut kitaran bulan bagi  negara Roman, kerana menurut kalendar mereka, musim bunga akan jatuh pada 1 April setiap tahun. Dan seluruh dunia juga akan mengikut masa dan waktu yang sama dengan negara yang menjadi tempat Jesus disalibkan. Mungkin betullah sebab musim-musim yang beredar akan berbeza dari satu bahagian dengan bahagian yang lain di muka bumi ini.

Ada dua artikel yang aku petik dari internet mengenai Easter ni : ( Boleh baca jika suka, malas pun tak apa)

Hari Easter

Daripada Wikipedia, ensiklopedia bebas.
Hari Easter merupakan kepercayaan penganut agama Kristian bahawa Jesus Christ telah dihidupkan kembali ("dibangkitkan") pada hari Ahad itu. Lazimnya ia disambut antara akhir bulan Mac dan akhir bulan April setiap tahun (awal April hingga awal Mei bagi penganut Kristian Timur), menurut kitaran bulan.
Sebelum perayaan Easter, Minggu Suci ("Holy Week") disambut oleh mereka dan pada Jumaat sebelum Easter dikenali sebagai Good Friday iaitu hari Jesus telah disalib. Pada Ahad Palma ("Palm Sunday") yang menandakan permulaan Minggu Suci, setiap penganut akan diberikan daun palmayang telah diurapi oleh para paderi.
Perayaan Easter terkenal dengan pemberian telur berwarna-warni yang berisikan coklat. Tradisi memberi telur sebenarnya bukan tradisi Kristian tetapi merupakan tradisi kuno Yunani merayakan datangnya musim bunga. Perayaan musim ini selalunya dirayakan dengan meriah mengiringi kegembiraan meninggalkan musim dingin yang suram dan beku. Telur adalah lambang kesuburan.

Satu lagi artikel yang boleh di baca untuk sedikit pengetahuan ialah tentang sejarah ringkas hari Easter :-

In this article, I shall explain the main historical events of Easter and some of their religious meaning to Christians. Although Christmas, commemorating the birth of Jesus, is a more festive event, Easter is the more religiously, more important, commemorating the death and resurrection of Jesus.
Like Eids, the exact time of Easter varies. Easter falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon after Spring Equinox (March 21). This causes the date to vary up to one month from year to year. Easter and spring indicate the beginning of new life. It is interesting to know that until the 16th century, our calendar placed the New Year in spring on April 1, not in mid-winter. Even today, the Persian New Year is celebrated on March 21.
The month before Easter is a month of fasting called Lent. This commemorates Jesus’ 40 days of fasting in the dese. Today, fasting is not commonly practiced, neither by priests nor other believers, but it is preached about every Sunday during Lent, and it is marked with a special, modest gathering at the last Sunday called ‘Fastelaven’ in my Norwegian mother tongue. Lent and Easter are in many ways similar to Ramadan and Eid-ul-Fitr. In Pakistan, many Christians observe fasting, borrowing from the Muslim tradition.
After the last supper, Jesus was arrested by Roman soldiers, the occupiers of Jerusalem and the Land of the Jews and Palestinians at the time of Jesus. The Roman soldiers were tipped off by one of the disciples, Judas Iscariot, who according to the Bible, committed suicide later when he realised his mistake. It should be noted that some Muslims believe that someone else was arrested by mistake instead of Jesus.
The Romans were afraid that Jesus’ popular support could lead to an uprising against their rule. The Bible explains that Jesus was interrogated and tortured, but the Romans could not find him guilty of any crime. Since the Governor considered Jesus innocent, he asked the angry mob, who had suddenly turned against Jesus, what they wanted him to do. The Bible says they shouted, “Crucify! Crucify!” Governor Pontius Pilate then handed him over to be hanged on the cross, but he symbolically washed his hands in water, indicating that he would take no responsibility for the decision.
A week earlier, according to the Bible, on what is now called ‘Palm Sunday’, Jesus rode into Jerusalem along the roads lined with huge crowds and branches from palm trees strewn on the ground. He rode humbly on a donkey indicating that he did not want to be a secular ruler, but a religious leader of renewal. The week that followed until his death and resurrection is known as the ‘Holy Week’ or ‘Quiet Week’.
On Friday, termed ‘Good Friday’ in English, and ‘Long Friday’ in Norwegian, Jesus was taken to Golgotha (Calvary), the hilltop that the Romans used for public executions. Jesus died on the cross in the late evening. To be certain Jesus was dead, a sword was put in his side and blood came out. He was taken down from the cross and buried in a cave grave nearby, protected by Roman soldiers and a heavy stone blocking the entrance. All this happened in the presence of Jesus’ mother Mary, the disciples, several associated women and men named in the Bible, and a crowd of people.
But then three days after his death, the Bible says Mary Magdelen and some other women came to the grave on Sunday morning, ‘Easter Sunday’, to wash and anoint Jesus body, according to the tradition. On the way to the grave, the women discussed how they might have difficulties removing the heavy stone placed in front of the grave. But when they reached the site, the stone had been removed, the soldiers were gone and inside the tomb, an angel met them, saying that Jesus had arisen from the dead. The women were thoroughly confused. Yet, they were certainly very glad, too. They walked as fast as they could back to announce the great news.
During the next 40 days, until ‘Ascension Day’, Jesus revealed himself on several occasions. Once was to his disciple Thomas, who said he did not believe that Jesus had arisen from the dead; he would only believe it if he could see Jesus in flesh and blood himself. The Bible says Jesus did appear, and said: “You believe because you have seen. Blessed be those who have not seen but still believe.” On Ascension Day, Jesus was taken up to heaven, and the Bible says that a cloud took him away from the eyes of the people. This event, indeed a miracle, is also included in the Quran.
Ten days after Ascension Day, on ‘Whitsunday’, or ‘Pentecost’, the Christian Church was established. The Bible tells how the disciples were empowered with extraordinary power and they could speak in tongues - languages, which they could not understand. Peter is often said to be the founder of the Church. From then on, the Bible explains that the disciples preached in the local communities and undertook longer and longer travels to spread the Gospel, which are the teachings that Jesus had left behind about God and about relations with fellow human beings, about faith, spirituality and the eternal life.

Biasalah teacher aku ni. Sempena apa-apa je dia akan bagi je dia punya student tu apa-apa. Biasanya berdasarkan apa perayaan pada masa tu. Aku pula tak tahu nak menolak kadang-kadang tu, kecuali yang terpaksa. Aku terima je, ambik... bawa balik tapi belum tentu boleh makan. Buat hiasan jelah. Yang aku pasti cuma telur yang bewarna-warni tu boleh di makan., kerana ia hanya cokelat biasa sahaja.

Tu lah.... ada air organik jus, cup cake, Cokelat bungkus, mini cheese, cokelat telur easter dan ayam hiasan yang kecil comel tu.

Telur hiasan easter di bungkus dalam kertas warna-warni. Ada juga aku bertanya teacher, apa kaitan telur dengan hari easter? Teacher kata, telur lambang benih dan kesuburan. Seolah pada kepercayaan dia, kerana itulah Mary ibu Jesus boleh pregnant tanpa lelaki (sorry jika aku tersalah). Begitu juga dengan Rabbit kerana boleh melahirkan anak yang ramai. Tapi aku tetap tak faham apa lagi kaitan dia, macam tak lojik pulak.

Kata teacher lagi, pada pagi hari easter ni, penganut agama kristian biasanya akan bersarapan dengan telur rebus. Ada satu lagi menu utama pada pagi easter ni ialah 'hot cross bun' tu. Pening aku, apa lagi kaitan dia. Aaaah..... lebih baik tahu sikit-sikit dah. Buat apa nak kaji panjang-panjang kan, "untuk kamu agama kamu dan untuk ku agama ku".

So pada dekat-dekat menjelang easter day tu, meriahlah dengan banyaknya promosi berkaitan di pasaraya-pasaraya. 

Sekalipun Australia bercuti pada hari ini, jumaat hingga isnin ini, tapi bagi student Phd tetap tiada cutinya. Kata Hubby "cuti tiada makna baginya" Ini kerana kerja yang banyak perlu di bereskan. Jadi aku pun lepaklah sorang-sorang kat rumah ni..... 

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